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I write day after day because I discover extraordinary lessons from ordinary life experiences. I record my visual portraits of everyday life filled with something sacred in hopes that my reflections might bring an insight that blesses my readers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Thanksgiving Application

As I was coming home from Upland today, the Lord spoke to my heart. He said to go home and write a Thanksgiving application. I chuckled at that wording. First, He knows I don't want to fill out an application because I don't want to go to work again. Secondly, He knew I would understand that our little Ellis would be fine. Why else would he nudge me to be thankful this very time of Ellis's doctor appointment. Our youngest granddaughter, Ellis, has a lump under her arm. Her pediatrician sent her to a pediatric surgeon. Today was her appointment , and the doctor believes it is a swollen lymph gland, but he will take an ultrasound next Wednesday to be certain. That is my first item on my Thanksgiving application. So, having never written a Thanksgiving application, I think it might look like this.

Thanksgiving Application

Name: Sandra Baron

Date: October 6,2009

Years of service to the Lord: 60

References: Holy men such as Svend Orhvall, Myron Oyler, Ron Hoopingarner, Matt Carder, Rusty Clements, Greg Parris, and Randy Kroening.

Experience: I have learned to love Jesus more deeply each year. I have gained a deeper understanding of the working of the Holy Spirit each hour, each day. I have realized the sovereignty of God for sixty four years.

Reasons to be thankful include:

1. Ellis, our granddaughter, is divinely made and in a perfect state of health.

2. Adam , our son, has found a Christian soul mate who he loves.

3. Dennis , my husband , has been faithful and loving for forty three years.

4. John , our oldest son, chose a wife who helps me as willingly as Naomi of the Old Testament.

5. My son John keeps me grounded and organized as well as nurtures his daughters with love and affection.

6. Ava, our first granddaughter , has taught me to love reading, playing house , babies, and making crafts with the vigor I knew as a child.

7"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Thank you, Jesus. I am redeemed.

8. Each day I see new things in the wonder world around me. Every day brings new discoveries of God's handiwork.

9. I have been made in His image, a creator. I so enjoy learning how to create His way with my paints and writing.

10. I am healthy and have the strength to serve others as God shows me their needs.

11. God promises even in my old age and gray hair, He will sustain me. " I have made you and I will carry you." Thank God I don't have to rely on medicare or man's plans.

12. God has healed our son from purthees and he has no limp.

13. God saved Adam in my womb even when the doctor said he would naturally abort.

14. God saved my husband at the age of 33 , and he has remained faithful to his Redeemer.

15. God sent both of our sons to college by opening the doors for full scholarship.

16. God has given me the opportunity to teach of His goodness for thirty-five years both here and abroad.

17. He has shown me miracles while I have been on mission trips.

18. He has done miracles and healed the sick here in Muncie.

19. His word is and breathing new understanding in me each day.

20. He allowed me to be born in a free country that allows me to worship as I choose.

21. He has known me since I was formed in my mother's womb. He chose my family just for me.

22. He has given me wonderful neighbors and dear and faithful friends.

23. He provided me with an education via the generosity of godly men.

24. He allowed me to teach , love, and help shape young people for thirty three years.

25. He has increased my boundaries of giving and serving.

The application might further read, " Share any times you have neglected to be thankful."

1. When I was sad and full of myself.

2. When I wished I had more and was not grateful for these things I have.

3. When I forgot to lean on God , who was standing right beside me all the time.

I think filling out a thanksgiving application helps build my faith, my confidence in God. It brings together His constant faithfulness. It makes note of His miraculous ways. It confirms His presence in my life. Maybe I need to fill out this application a few more times each year. I am grateful for the revelation of His mighty ways through simple obedience. Thank you, Lord.

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