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I write day after day because I discover extraordinary lessons from ordinary life experiences. I record my visual portraits of everyday life filled with something sacred in hopes that my reflections might bring an insight that blesses my readers.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Old Prayers

Old Journal teachings

In 2004 I wrote, “I have cherished Denny more than I ever have.  We are just cozying together and reaching a time where we are helping each other instead of working against each other.  I want him to have a long healthy life, Lord.  Please cover him with your precious blood, Jesus.”
“Help me to hold on to the truth that circumstances do not dictate our days but Your sovereign will. I ask that we can grow old together, travel and see more lands, experience more adventures, and our ministry will grow. Extend our boundaries for Your purposes. Amen. ”
Now it is 2012 and these are my same sentiments and prayers.  It reminds me how important our prayers are.  Who knows when Denny’s immune system weakened and he was susceptible to cancer?  Perhaps such prayers as above safeguarded him many years.  I think it is so important to take time to pray for our loved ones.  It is like a prayer savings account.  I add a little each day for my husband, family, and friends.  Sometimes prayers tumble on the pages of my journal years before I understand why I am praying for that person.  As life continues, these people may become ill, divorced, have financial difficulties, or  lose a loved one, or be blessed by new opportunities.  I don’t always write my prayers, but when I do they bless me years later.  I think I learned that from the Holy Spirit.  Storing up prayers for safekeeping on the throne is an investment we all can make for each other.  I am confident that the Lord knows those prayers and answers them.
He is surprised by nothing because He is the creator of our days.  However, we are commissioned to pray.  My walk doesn’t ask why, it just says to be obedient, we must pray.  In eternity, I will know the significance of my prayers, but right now I know it is talking to God and trusting His word, which says in I Kings 8:49, “…then from heaven, Your dwelling place, hear their  prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause.”


  1. I continue to pray for my family and good friends like you and your sweet husband. May our prayers bring healing to Denny.
    Hey, I recognize Mary! She is surrounded by my blooms, petunias, mini mums and Gerber daisies. They are on my deck where I can enjoy them every day. Thank you again for her, good friend.

  2. I thought you might recognize her. She loves her surroundings I am sure. Thanks for praying.
