I have been studying each sunset and noticing the various colors, changing cloud formations, and the “awe” factor. As I sit on the beach, I marvel at how the reflection on the water changes moment by moment. The once gray ocean slides into teal colored waters with spectacular red and gold highlights. My mind grasps this vision and meditates on it long after the sun has slipped into the dark waters.
I realize that the sunset mirrors my search for the character of God. Through the years, I have learned that Joshua Harris’ words are profound. He says in his book Dug Down Deep, “What we know about God shapes the way we think and live.” Studying God has affected every aspect of my life. Like the sunset, His reflections have changed within me. As a child, I talked to him under the psalm trees and knew Him as my friend, my playmate. In my teens, I began to understand more fully that He had loved me so much that He had sent Jesus on this earth to save and nurture me. As a young mom, I learned to trust him with my children’s lives and support me through their sicknesses and hardships. When finances were scarce, He showed me He was my provider. Each new wave of life and learning brought more understanding of the big picture. I knew He was in each sunset and sunrise.
Thomas Aquinas, the great theologian and philosopher said, “ Theology is taught by God, teaches God, and leads unto God.” In other words, our theology teaches us to care about the true things of God. It teaches us to embrace our Heavenly Father through various colors of clouds. It brings to light celebration of His Majesty upon our constantly changing seasons. His word teaches us how to apply His reflection to our lives. We reflect the Son’s light.
I realize it is He who leads me beside still waters. He rides on the clouds. He provides for the poor. He is my refuge. He clothes the hills with gladness and creates sunsets for pondering and understanding His awe. Each sunset creates in me a greater need to crave more of God.