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I write day after day because I discover extraordinary lessons from ordinary life experiences. I record my visual portraits of everyday life filled with something sacred in hopes that my reflections might bring an insight that blesses my readers.

Friday, March 13, 2015


70 years of lessons

1.     Being a kid is fun; so I will continue to be one until I die.
2.     Take time to breathe, and breathe deeply.
3.     Laugh when things are funny. When things aren’t funny, find something funny about the situation.  Laugh and laugh some more.
4.     Creating draws from the soul, so I seek my soul’s help often.
5.     Create paintings, collages, recipes, gardens, writings, quilts, scrapbooks, journals, wreaths, and anything else that is fun.  Try to create something everyday.
6.     Seek the presence of God as many minutes a day as I would want Him to protect and love me. 
7.     Be spontaneous! You’re a kid, remember?
8.     Be flexible, it makes stretching lessons so much easier.
9.     Get outside as much as you can.  Outside air generates more energy.
10. Love with the intensity and energy that it takes to remove a stubborn pickle lid.
11. Say “I love you,” more than you think you need to do.
12. Hug all who are loveable, and hug the unlovable twice as much.
13. Read God’s word every day.
14. Seek God.
15. Teach a child a life lesson whether you are playing ball, making art, or eating dinner with them.
16. Eat at the dining table everyday and offer blessings to all who are there.
17. Use your best crystal to drink your wine.  Today is special.
18. Float with the musical notes around you. Dance and turn round and round.
19. Sing simply; sing often.
20. Forgive your past; God has.
21. Savor the sparkles in the sea, the warm breeze against your skin, the sweet smell of Jasmine tea, the purity of a clear blue sky, and the fragrance of the rose.
22. Learn from your adult children.  They are bright. After all, who were their mother and father?
23. Cherish old and new friendships.  Each of these people was sent from God to help mold you. 
24. Giggle with your husband and at your husband every day of your life. 
25. Hold no grudges.  They make wrinkles in your soul and your brow.
26. Read constantly.  Read for pleasure, learning, coping, and hoping.
27. Pray constantly for your children and grandchildren. You may be their only intercessor for the day.
28. Guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.
29. Do not weary the Lord with your words, “Where is the God of justice?” Know that He is justice and righteousness.  Trust Him.
30. If life is going to work on my behalf, I must give myself permission to grow, to change, and to let go.
31. For me to grow spiritually, I must make an empty space by ridding myself of garbage.  Then, a new truth and epiphany can have room to enter.
32. Be content by not comparing.  Just be.
33. Reach for new truths, special activities, and meeting new people.  These will enrich your body, mind, and soul.
34. Remember to say prayers of thanks everyday.  They make God smile.
35. Slow down. I can’t get to my destination until I get there.  Enjoy the curves, the hills, and valleys.
36. Life is good if I choose to think it is.
37. Accept that sometimes I make wrong turns, choices, or words. God forgives me so should I.
38. We are made in God’s image.  Be merciful; it is built within.
39. Resist blaming or imagining the worst.  Instead, take one step, a baby step in the process of understanding the lesson that is to be learned.
40. Remember all the snow that the storm brought must melt someday.  The storm is passing.  This too shall pass.
41. I know that in all situations, every day, in every situation, I can depend on God.  He never fails.
42. Take time for rest, reflection, and time alone.  Spiritual vibrations only happen when we take time for them.
43. When I can’t, faith can.
44. Grab every opportunity to travel.  Save for it, so when the great deal comes along, you can go.
45. Find the sacred in everyday.
46. The color of the sky at its last light paints an orange you will never forget.
47. Pay attention to the sparkle in another’s eye or respond to the hurt you feel in their heart.
48. Know everyone has a story.  Take time to ask them.
49. If you really listen, you can hear each other’s pain and fears.  Pray for them.
50. Behold the blossom. It won’t last for long.
51. Listen to your life.  Your smallest incident may be your biggest moment of awareness.
52. Love well.
53. I’ve learned that everyday I need to reach out and give a hug, pat someone on the back, or drop a special note of affirmation.
54. Life gives second chances if you are sensitive enough to find them
55. No matter how awful today is I know that joy will return in the morning or perhaps the next day.
56. Enjoy now.  It doesn’t matter if you are overweight; under dressed, house is a mess, or a bad hair day.  Just enjoy today and cherish the now.
57. Kiss often, hug spontaneously, and pray for your spouse every day.
58. Laugh uncontrollably at anything that starts that giggle force.
59. Dance with your Heavenly Father. Twirl, waltz, and bow before him often.
60. Doodle when idle, it is like yoga for the brain.
61. Allow your toes to sink in the sand, splash in a mud puddle, or stand bare footed on soft grass because it will make you aware of how really grounded you are.
62. Thank your bones, tissue, ligaments, hands, feet, legs, cells, and any other parts of your body for being healthy and moving you through this journey. Speak gratefulness to your body.
63. Gratitude is the key to happy living.  Pausing, seeing, and looking for the little things that make life great brings not only joy, but also humility. I am humbled because I have not taken time to appreciate my mother’s teacup and all the memories it holds.  I am humbled when you acknowledge it is your husband’s morning kiss that means far more than the gifts he buys for me. 
64. Speaking of gifts; everyone enjoys a surprise gift for no reason at all except that they are dear to me.
65. Tell your grandchildren about your childhood.  Tell them things you feared or desired and ask them to share the same with you.  I discover amazing things in the minds and hearts of my sweet granddaughters.
66. Write your children a yearly letter (I choose birthdays).  I tell them why I love them and the gifts that I admire in them. I share stories of their past and cute things they did as little guys.  I write through tears because I love them so much.
67. I’ve kept a daily journal for years and years.  It grounds me and I share new truths, epiphanies, and dreams in it.  I copy favorite poems or talk about a book that had permanent impact on my mind, soul, or body.
68. I try to exercise everyday. I remind myself that those who age well aren’t necessarily killing themselves in hours in the gym, but they are choosing exercise that they enjoy.  I bet that is why they do it each day.
69. Learning to listen is the greatest gift a mother can give to her kids, a spouse to her mate, and a grandmother to her grand babies.  Listen well and concentrate on what details they are willing to share and are important to them.
70. Live life well.  It may be a sunbath at the beach, setting a beautiful table from the flowers in your yard, creating a painting that no one may like but you.  Share dinner with your family as often as possible.  Speak positives and affirmations to encourage those around you. I’m still learning to live life well but sure am enjoying the moment I am in.